Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Blogging is for Commies

"Blogging is a mandatory activity, necessary for the survival of communist ideology and the preservation of our way of life."
- Mao Tse-Tung

Since communism has killed 100 million people and Mao (the biggest commie there is) is an avid fan of blogging, we can only assume that "Communist = Mao = Blogging" therefore communists love to blog... and they also die. Therefore "Communist = Death", which leads us to conclude, "Blogging = Death" by substituting "e=mc^2" with use of the physics formula "force = mass * acceleration".

The ultimate downfall of the universe, as demostrated by the quote above will be when everyone blogs.

Animals lovers like myself also believe that animals should be monitored on the computer like small children, and should definatley not be allowed to blog.

Even Lassie (the most famous dog in the world) said, "Woof! Woof! Don't let your dog blog, unless you want it to meet up with a 2 month old dog, only to find a policeman in disguise!!!". Lassie's good friend Toto, returned from the Wizard of Oz to work for Howard Dean, and accused Lassie of being a facist.

Rush Limbaugh, a Coservative talk-show host, has agreed with Lassie, noting that "since 90% of teachers consider themselves liberals and a higher percentage of teachers than the general population molest children, therefore blogging leads to liberalism and child abuse! Rush also labeled Toto as being unpatriotic and anti-American in not supporting Bush's rider to the Marriage Amenendment, which would also ban blogging.

Pastor Fred Phelps, famous for his websites www.GodHatesFags.com and www.GodHatesAmerica.com has a new website www.GodHatesBloggers.com. He is of the opinion that, "God hates athiest, blogger commies!!! Bloggers are destined for eternal damnation in hell. Stop blogging now!!!"

He has been challenged by ultra-liberal athiest Jews, who love to talk about God saying, "Why does the bible start with the creation of the universe, rather than the first commandments or with Abraham and Sarah, the first Jews? Because God wanted to teach us that all mankind share a common history and should treat each other with love and respect."

Do have another reason why blogging is for commies, don't waste your time by e-mailing the author at I'mNotGivingOutMyE-mailAddressBecauseIWillBeSpammed@NotACommie.com

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